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О нас

Приготуйтеся до втечі від буденності та пориньте у затишок і енергію природи, яка захопить вас своєю натуральною красою. TRAVY RESORT PARK - це унікальне місце, яке створене спеціально для вашого відпочинку та єднання з природою. Наш готель поєднує в собі всі зручності сучасного побуту з натуральністю природи. Гори, ліси та звісно ж трави, зроблять ваш відпочинок незабутнім.

An escape that soothes your soul.

Our hotel is built on a land embraced by nature and finds a unique corner away from the noise, among lush forests and calm lakes. It is the perfect shelter to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax in the heart of nature.

discover rooms

Relaxed atmosphere for you.

Big Room

Junior Suite Atmosphere

Our unique junior suite room, attracts attention with its warm wood textures and natural stone details.

Various Therapies

Mental, physical relaxation

• since 1987 •

Special massage therapies prepared with natural essential oils and herbal ingredients are offered.

Skin care

Facial treatments are customized according to the needs of the skin and are carefully applied.

Yoga & Meditation

In the peaceful atmosphere of nature, you can do yoga with professional trainers.

Wine & Dinner.

The hotel's restaurant offers a feast of dishes prepared with fresh and natural ingredients.

House of operation
Breakfast 08:00 am - 11:00 am
Lunch 12:00 pm - 03:00 pm
Dinner 05:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Coffee & Love
rest your soul

Enjoy the dazzling venue.

In the morning, you can take a walk in the fresh air-filled forest or stroll through the herb garden.

Eco Friendly Hotel Award

Rich Diversity of Flora and Fauna

Focused on Guest Comfort

What they say?

know us closely

Our blog & news.

Food & More

The regional delicacies of the region are carefully presented.

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